Monday, February 27, 2012


Its been brought to my attention lately that most of the people I've known, have somehow lost themselves. It seems like everyday I encounter the same set of comments. "I don't know who I'm" and "I don't feel like myself anymore". I sometimes wonder what makes someone reach such a dark place, a place where they have seemingly forgotten just how amazing they are. I always tell people, that if I could give them anything, it would be the ability to see themselves through my eyes. I absolutely hate how people I once admired because of their courage or because they failed to follow rules society has created for them, be rendered to something as common as fear. People now a days are so afraid to feel, to open the doors to the truth and actually doing something with the truth we've discovered. Like I say over and over, fear is a person's biggest limitant, something that can easily be erradicated. The problem is, very few people are the ones brave enough to live lives not surrendered by fear. Those are the ones worth admiring and they are now becoming a dying breed in our times. Life is so short, so short that one day it will flash before our eyes. If you ask me, I want to make it worth watching. I will, and maybe some of you will too. 

Plus, what is fear when you have this promise?

Deuteronomy 31:6

New International Version (NIV)
6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Song of the week

Total Eclipse of the Heart

You'll love this song if...
1. You like Glee.
2. You love Glee.
3. Love cover versions.
4. Like 80's music
5. Absolutely LOVE gLee

Moving On

Moving On. Ok. Sounds simple enough. Actually, is not that easy. For the past couple of days, I've been facing with the tough decision of moving on. One of my best friends just left the country. I will always consider her one of my best friends although I might not longer be one of hers. Now that's she is gone, perhaps is time to move on. She was, and will always be, a very important part of my life. I will always love her and be in debt for the rest of my life. She was able to know me in ways only few people have ever got to know me. If you ever read this, I want you to know I love you and the memories we have together will last a lifetime. I miss you already and always will, hopefully life will give us the chance to meet again in a nearby future and reminisce on all the fun memories we have together. However, it was the hard way I've come to learn that true friends are not the ones that come into our lives, but the ones that never left. Perhaps, in the years that come, we are able to apply this important lesson into our lives. With a great deal of pain in my heart, it's time to move on....

Reading my first blog post, I realized I wasn't following my own definition of success. Thankfully, I have people in my life that will always remind of the right things at the right time. 7 years ago, my life was scarred forever. The pain of past mistakes has since haunted me. Moving on, has always been a tempting idea. However, like most things in life, the thing we want the most, is the ONE thing we can't have. For the past 7 years, I've been trying to move on. There are days I feel so close to doing it, and there are days were I feel at an utter loss of hope. After doing lots of thinking, I realize it's not time for me to move on. I still have tons to learn from it. As much as the past brings pain to my present, is that same pain that has led me to become the person I'm today. I might not be the best person out there; I still have tons of things to learn. The most painful of lessons become the most fundamental for our lives. I now understand that the bigger our battles, the bigger our victory. I can only say I'm looking forward to the day I can call myself victorious and say: "I did it". As I write this entry, I’m flooded with a sense of peace I haven't felt in years. I know the answers won't come any time soon; God will answer them at His own time. I'm now content with the idea that I will someday have the answers I need. I'm not afraid anymore. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

my youtube recommendation of the week

Even if you don't like Justin Bieber, you can't deny this guys can trully dance. I wish I could dance like that...


As human beings, we can all relate to the universal topic of failure. Everyone can count the times in their lives where they've failed. However...what is failure anyway? The Webster Dictionary defines it as: "failing to perform a duty or expected action". In my humble opinion, this is an incorrect definition. Failure doesn't really exist (at least in earthly matters). Who can tell what's failure or success? Think about it, even mistakes can be seen as success. Why? We learn from them. As simple as that. The same thing happens with success, it varies from person to person. Perhaps that's where the beauty of success lies, that it varies from person to person. The only true failure that exists is the failure to follow God's plans for our lives. Failure to do this, we'll make our whole lives a complete. As we take a look at our own lives. Can we trully say we are living lives of success or failure?...