Monday, September 20, 2010

my youtube recommendation of the week

Even if you don't like Justin Bieber, you can't deny this guys can trully dance. I wish I could dance like that...


As human beings, we can all relate to the universal topic of failure. Everyone can count the times in their lives where they've failed. However...what is failure anyway? The Webster Dictionary defines it as: "failing to perform a duty or expected action". In my humble opinion, this is an incorrect definition. Failure doesn't really exist (at least in earthly matters). Who can tell what's failure or success? Think about it, even mistakes can be seen as success. Why? We learn from them. As simple as that. The same thing happens with success, it varies from person to person. Perhaps that's where the beauty of success lies, that it varies from person to person. The only true failure that exists is the failure to follow God's plans for our lives. Failure to do this, we'll make our whole lives a complete. As we take a look at our own lives. Can we trully say we are living lives of success or failure?...